
Introducing the compact DC charger. AC-sized with DC power.
This innovative charger seamlessly integrates with your existing electrical system, without the need for costly upgrades.
- Designed to operate efficiently on a 280V phase system instead of the typical 480V, it’s the most reliable and space-saving DC charger available on the market today.
Ideal solution for any commercial applications like Gas stations, EV stations, Rest areas, Truck stops, public parkings, Airports, shopping malls, fleet operators, etc.
Unique and Sleek Design, User-friendly interface, Data management and metering options.
SmartGrid Savings: Schedule your charging times when rates are lower.
Smart Network Connectivity: Intelligent Ethernet, Cellular, WLAN Switching.
Built-in safety measures, Galvanized cabinet, Flexible multi-protocol design,Durable Enclosure.
Easy configuration for any charging network. (OCPP 1.6J, OCPP 2.0.1), CCS protocol compatible, User Authentication via RFID or Mobile App.
Automatic recovery after a minor fault, remote management, smart charging, and smart load balancing support.

Here you can download Spec Sheets for our Compact DC model :